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    How to control the temperature of the bearing -the culprit is here


    · The temperature of the bearing is too high, similar to the abnormal situation of "fever". It is a common and harmful failure of rotating devices. If the cause is unknown and improperly handled, it will often be more effective. It will reduce the life of the bearing, increase the cost of maintenance, and even cause the bearing to burn. · Therefore, the reason for the rapid judgment of the failure of the fault and the proper measures to solve it are the guarantee of continuous and safe operation of the equipment. · The temperature of the bearing is too high -the culprit is here


    There are many reasons for the high temperature of the bearing, which has compiled several common problems for everyone.


    -The bad lubrication · Lubrication has an important impact on the life and friction, wear, vibration, etc. of the bearing. Good lubrication is a necessary condition for ensuring the normal operation of the bearing. According to statistics, about 40%of the bearing damage is related to poor lubrication.


    · The role of lubrication on the bearings mainly includes:


    -1) Prevent metal rust-2) Prevent foreign objects from invasion, play a sealing role · 3) Elimination of friction heat, prevent bearing temperature rising to high-4) to reduce friction and wear, extend the life of the bearing life


    · The longer the rotation time, the better the quality? It turns out that the factors that are related to lubricating oil · The factors that cause poor bearing lubrication are usually: · 1) Insufficient lubricant (lubricating fat) Insufficient 2) lubricating oil pipes are blocked by foreign objects. 3) Lubricant oil (Lubricating fat) Quality is problematic-4) Failure to add lubricating oil (lubricating fat) -5) Lubricant (lubricating fat) contains impurities. Bearing wear and bearings as important parts, applied to various large and small machinery, and some of them, while some, some, and some, while some, some, and some, while some, some, and some, some, and some, and some The working environment of machinery (such as crusher) has a lot of dust. When some fine dust enters the bearing seat with high -speed operation, it will cause lubricating oil or lubricating fat in the bearing seat to deteriorate, poor lubrication, and then cause the bearings to wear. The bearing continues to operate in the wear state. Due to the increase in friction and increased heat, the temperature of the bearings increases.


    (The three types of high -end roller bearing of Longteng Bearing Factory operate the world's great country, Longteng Dragon out of the East Tengda World)


    · Improper installation · Improper installation is another important reason for bearing fever. Because the bearing installation is correct or not, it has a direct impact on its life and the accuracy of the host. Therefore, the central line of the shaft and the bearing hole must be re -installed during installation. , Causes the bearings to heat or wear. In addition, the bearings will also produce vibration, and the noise will increase, which will also increase the temperature rise-cooling and cooling insufficient cooling. The pipeline is blocked, the cooler is not appropriate, and the cooling effect is poor.


    -Cooling and lubricating pipelines are blocked, which will cause the cooling effect to deteriorate, especially in summer production. This problem is especially common (public account: pump steward). Individual manufacturers do not hesitate to increase or connect the cooler to strengthen the cooling effect. · The cooling device is severe, and the bearing temperature is too high frequent alarm. It is encountered at many production sites. The more effective treatment method is to wash the cooler before the summer. · Large vibration · For example, the collateral shafts are not in line with the requirements. The rotor is moving, static and unbalanced, poor foundation, land deficiency, rotating stall and asthma. · ▲ Coupler · Some rotors During the operation, due to the corrosion of the medium or the wear of the solid impurities, or the bending of the axis, it will cause unbalanced centrifugal power, which will cause the bearing to heat and vibrate. Until destroy.




    Check the replacement and change in time. If you find severe fatigue peeling, rust oxide, wear pits, cracks, or unable to adjust if you have too much noise, if it is not replaced in time, it will cause fever, different sounds, vibrations, etc. of the bearings. , Thus affecting normal production.


    · In addition, the vibration caused by improper disassembly bearing and loosening the loosening of the equipment ground bolt will also cause the bearing roller and the roller to generate indentation, and the inner and outer seats are cracking. During the bearing operation, check should be performed in accordance with the prescribed cycle.


    Poor bearing quality


    · Rolling bearings parts work in the form of point contact or line contact, and work for a long time under high cross -change contact stress. The accuracy, life and reliability of the host determine the bearings to a large extent. Therefore, you must pay attention to inspection in the procurement and acceptance session of the bearings, and use the qualified high -quality products of regular manufacturers.


    Improper bearing type


    · When choosing bearing, pay attention to the extreme speed and load capacity of the bearings. It cannot be used by speed and overload. This will only shorten the life of the bearing and lose.


    · Bearing cooling has a trick. When the temperature of the bearings is high, the problem should be solved from the following aspects. · Improper refueling, when the lubricating oil is too much or too little: · The bearing box should be regularly refueling in accordance with the requirements of the work. After the bearing is refueling, sometimes the temperature is high, mainly because of too much refueling. · At this time, the phenomenon is continuously rising. After reaching a certain point (usually about 10 ° C to 15 ° C higher than the normal operation temperature), it will remain unchanged, and then gradually decreases.


    · When the refueling grease does not meet the requirements or is polluted: · The use of lubricating oil is not suitable, it is not easy to form uniform lubricating oil film, it cannot reduce the internal friction and wear of the bearings, insufficient lubrication, and increased temperature of the bearings. · When different types of grease are mixed, chemical reactions may occur, causing fats to deteriorate, lump, and reduce lubrication effects. · Lubricating oil · Oil pollution will also increase the temperature of the bearings. During the process of refueling, it falls into dust, causing oil pollution, resulting in the destruction of the internal oil of the bearing box to destruct the bearing lubrication, and the temperature increases. · Therefore, the appropriate oil should be selected, the bearings and bearings should be cleaned during maintenance, and the refueling roads are checked and dredged. Different models of oil are not allowed to be mixed; if other types of oil are replaced, the original oil should be cleaned first; operation and maintenance should For medium -period refueling, oil and fat should be properly kept for moisture -proof and dustproof measures.


    When the cooling is insufficient: · Check whether the pipeline is blocked, whether the oil inlet temperature and the water return temperature exceed the standard. · If the selection of the cooler is inappropriate, the cooling effect is poor, and when the use requirements cannot meet the requirements, you should replace or install a new cooler in time. The axial flow ventilation machine should also check the insulation and sealing of the medium -core barrel. When there are no problems in the above aspects, check the coupling: · The searching of the coupling device must meet the process standards. When the axial flow ventilator, liquid coupling device, etc. are also considered, the equipment should be considered when looking for the heating and expansion of the device. · Find the side leaf wheel side due to heating expansion, and the bearing box is elevated; the temperature increases the bearing box during the operation of the liquid coupling of the liquid coupling, and the bearing rises. Therefore The characteristics of the device and the temperature parameters during operation.



    What should be focused on what should be paid to the quality of the bearings. First, check whether the lubricating oil is deteriorated, mass, and impurities. This is an important basis for judging the cause of bearing damage. · Secondly, check the bearing bearing without biting and wear; check the inner and outer ring, rolling body, keep the surface of the surface of the bearing, and the defects such as cracks, rust, peeling, concave pits, overheating and discoloration, and measure whether the bearing gap exceeds the standard; Check whether there are wear, pits, and peeling of the shaft cover. The cooperation of the bearing · The inner diameter of the bearing, the shaft, the outer diameter and the shell of the bearings during the bearing of the bearing is very important. When the cooperation is overly loose, the mating surface will produce a relatively sliding. · Once the creep is generated, the ground will be worn, the damage shaft or shell, and the wear powder will invade the internal bearing, causing heat, vibration and damage.


    · When the transmission is too large, it will cause the outer diameter to become smaller or the inner inner diameter becomes larger, reducing the internal gap of the bearings. · In order to choose a bearing with suitable use, consider the nature, size, temperature conditions of the bearing load, and various conditional factors of the rotation of the inner circle and outer ring. · Adjustment of the bearing gap · The gap between the bearing is over hours. Because the oil friction in the gap in the gap is too large, it will also cause the bearings to heat up. At the same time, the amount of oil will be reduced after the gap. Further improve the temperature of the bearings. However, excessive gaps will change the power characteristics of the bearings and cause unstable rotor operation. Therefore, the bearing gaps that are verified for different equipment and use conditions need to be selected .

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