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    Only by taking into account these five design principles can we truly do a good job of non -standard design


    1. Priority of cost priority

    The biggest feature of the design of non -standard products is small -scale production, with a single function and limited scope of adaptation. For such products, if we want to "make money by the beginning", we need to strictly control costs. , Cost control can be considered from the following aspects:

    (1) R & D cost

    Try to choose the project director of the design of the fine product in the future. In terms of the staff of the project, you must try to be as small as possible, and the requirements for the comprehensive ability of the project person should be as high as possible.

    The project supervisor must not only have sufficient experience and ability in the design of the plan, but also have corresponding responsibilities and skills in team coordination. At the same time, it also takes into account the team's operating efficiency to control the cost of research and development to the lowest limit.

    (2) Procurement cost

    The control of procurement costs also requires the strong cooperation of R & D engineers, as much as possible and standardized as much as possible in the parts selected by the project, and the suppliers of these components are unified as much as possible to form a long and mutually reciprocal strategic partnership.

    At the same time, negotiate the payment method of purchasing, and use quarterly payment or annual payment as much as possible in order to occupy only a small amount of activities.

    (3) Foreign Association cost

    In terms of structural design, it is necessary to try to modularize and generalize each functional component. The essence is still composed of different functional components. There are still many commonality in the selection and use of many functional components.

    Although the Foreign Association is processed, try to make these functional components large -scale and massive processing, and form a long -term strategic cooperation relationship with the manufacturing supplier. Through long -term but not chaotic cooperation, the efficiency of foreign associations will be promoted to reduce the efficiency of foreign associations, reducing the processing of foreign association processing capital.

    (4) Equipment cost

    This also involves the implementation and installation of non -standard design and the implementation of functional components. Try to simplify the structure, compact, monocidal, and standardized.

    At the same time, before assembly, we must make a full explanation and explanation with the staff of the assembly technology, and form a standardized assembly process and process, so that the entire assembly process is carried out under non -obstacle.

    (5)Debugging cost

    The debugging cost depends on the depth of the project research and analysis before the non -standard design, and it also depends on the skills and experience of the project plan designer. Make the most powerful people standing on the front line, they are the biggest guarantee of project success.

    (6) After -sales cost

    The most afraid of non -standard design is the increasing increase of after -sales costs. This is one of the reasons for the expensive design of non -standard design. It is also the most uncontrollable place. Whether a project makes money is largely focused on the after -sales part. The control of this capital is mainly designed, and we do more sufficient analysis in the future.




    2. Principles of quality assurance

    The design of non -standard products and quality assurance sources. As long as these two aspects are controlled, the quality of the product is basically guaranteed:

    (1) The design ability of the engineer

    For non -standard designs, because it is "one hammer buying and selling", there is no chance of trial and error at all. After successful, "all happy" and failure "one loss to the end", so the personal experience and personal experience and of the design engineer Ability and shortcomings are often dependent on and tested.

    Especially the project design engineer, the principle of the plan is right or wrong, whether the maintenance team is doing a "right thing". If the scheme is wrong, then all the efforts of the subsequent team are "south and north". Without use, it not only spreads the company's manpower, financial resources, and material resources, but more importantly, it has lost the opportunity and format for the market.

    At the same time, we also need to take into account the processing of non -standard design in detail. A good and reliable design. The details are the king. The ability to compete is often reminded to master the details and applies.

    (2) The quality of purchasing parts

    For a product manager, we can only believe that "cheap and no good goods, good goods are not cheap", any reliable and complete parts and components will not be obtained at a unfair price. For a product manager, it is a gambling, experienced ingredients, and ingredients with destiny.

    Many products have used good accessories, and there are also mistakes in making mistakes. Some products use very ordinary accessories, and the probability of running well in several years also exists, so it depends on the choice of project managers.

    However, according to my personal experience, for the design of non -standard products, I personally recommend trying to use better accessories, although there are some higher costs in the early stage, but there is a high chance to reduce the later after -sales capital of our later period. And it can ensure the good reputation of our products in the market and customers. This is not only in the consideration of product capital, but also in the consideration of company product marketing and corporate image.

    For example, if you choose a straight -line guide rail, you can not choose Japan THK, but you have to use Taiwan at least to use Taiwan. As for certain brands at home, you still try to throw as much as possible. Some of them can't afford it.


    3. Principles of process control

    The control of the process is mainly reflected in the two departments. Of course, these two departments also have a lot to do with the capital, but they still rely on the designer's design ability:

    (1) Control of mechanical processing technology

    As a non -standard product, a certain foreign association processing parts are necessary. How to ensure the reliability and low money of the processing process from design is a responsibility that design engineers cannot avoid. Require.

    Others only need 1,000 yuan cost and 15 -day cycle, but your cost of 1,500 yuan and a 20 -day cycle. This is the defects and deficiencies of your design ability. At the same time, we must fully consider the supporting industry chain around the enterprise Title.

    For example, the equipment conditions, process levels, and level of workers' levels of the manufacturers of foreign associations are equal. Only by considering these factors into our product design can we truly control the control of mechanical processing technology.

    (2) Control of assembly process

    The control of the assembly process is the same as the control of the mechanical processing process. Most doors come from the ability of design engineers. Of course, we must also combine the quality of processing, supporting measures, equipment, inspection equipment, process flow and process rankings of the assembly venue. The fairness of cloth is implemented.

    These factors that need to be considered are all the matter of a non -standard product project manager. It is a project planning principle that needs to be fully prepared and planned.

    If you hold a mentality where you go, you have to do a good job of a non -standard product. There is almost no chance of winning. Because the cycle and price of the product have not given you enough space and errors and mistakes in the product Chance.


    4. The principle of cycle accounting

    The design of non -standard products, the cycle accounting is very hub. For many engineers, as long as it is not too complicated, everyone has the ability to receive orders, but in a short time, from the design, from the design , Foreign Association, Foreign Purchase, Foreign Purchase, assembly and commissioning and other links can be fair layout and the completion of the system, which still test the ability of project engineers.

    This is not only the design ability, but also the ability to allocate various resources in the opponent, the ability to master the upstream and downstream industrial chain of the product, and the test of the control capabilities of all aspects of the project.

    One feature of non -standard design is that the cycle is short, the success rate requirements are high, the upstream and downstream supply chain is complicated, the product is strong, and there is no good reference object and sufficient design experience. Almost every non -standard design is right. The test and death test and baptism of the team staff are also rebirth again and again.

    At the same time, the budget of the cycle at the same time, many links are uncontrollable. For example, the supplier of the upstream and downstream, the non -standard design is that most of them are produced by single parts or small batches, and it is difficult In sufficient reasons to mobilize their enthusiasm and desire.

    More often, they don't care if there is a small order of "not painful or itchy", so in the equipment chain's equipment and grasp, especially hard work.

    For those controlled links, we must try their best to strive for more and leave these time to those uncontrollable links, in order to have a good dynamic balance for the entire project. This is everyone who is engaged in non -standard products design. All need to keep in mind.


    5. Principles of after -sales evaluation

    In the previous capital control department, we also mentioned the greater impact of after -sales costs. In fact, this after -sales capital has a lot to do with the nature of non -standard product design. A mature product, from research and development to trial production, from trial production to trial, to trial, to trial, to trial, to trial, to trial, to trial, to trial, to trial, to trial, to trial, to trial, to trial, to trial, to trial, This is a gradual process from trial to perfection, from perfect to product setting.

    However, due to the uniqueness of its product market, it has eliminated multiple steps such as "trial production, trial, and improvement". The unpreparedness and owe of the product, even if the design engineers who are awesome have accidentally made a mistake.

    Therefore, we can't have too much demand for a R & D engineer. We can only use some mechanisms, experience and design capabilities to ensure that the products are mature and practical as possible. Even if we do less than 100 %, we must put some some of them. The pivotal function and structure are well treated, so that this product has more plasticity.

    This is also conducive to our subsequent improvement and improvement. Do not make mistakes and defects in the principles of product design, otherwise there will be only a loss.

    At the same time, we must also maintain good communication with the ultimate users of the product. We must always maintain the smoothness and timely communication of communication, use diligent service and good stand to make up for some small mistakes in design, and subsequent after -sales sales In the process, use actual steps and efficient improvement plans to calm down the dissatisfaction and complaints of customers.

    Only by doing this can we truly mature themselves from the promotion of the project and make the company stronger from the product sales.

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